Experienced Kiwi house sitter available for house sitting throughout New Zealand.


I started a new house sit a couple days ago. This property is a lifestyle block located in rural Whatawhata in the Hamilton district, with only a short 10-minute drive to the Dinsdale shopping centre. It’s my first time looking after this place. I’m here until January 11th and then it’s straight on to the next property. The owners of this house have gone down to the Taupo area for a family holiday with their two young children.

It’s a nice big new home with all the mod-cons that you’d expect in a place like this, and there’s a superb swimming pool which will getting plenty of use while I’m here.

All the pets are super friendly. I have here a 3-year-old German Shorthair Pointer who goes by the name of Pepper and she’s lots of fun. She’s high-energy and loves chasing tennis balls, especially when it involves the swimming pool. She’s always (literally always lol) looking for a game. At the moment she gets a half-hour game before her breakfast and another half-an-hour before her dinner, with two-three half-hour sessions during the day when it’s hot and she’s wanting to swim in the pool, and an extra half-an-hour before bedtime. She’s going to be the fittest canine in the district by the time I leave here.

I also have here two nice kitty cats, Peach and Molly, who seem to be both enjoying a quieter house with the children on holiday. Pepper has a really nice nature and she gets along with the cats exceptionally well – they’re all good mates.

Front Of House

Pepper and Peach





Pepper at the pool

Pepper & Molly

Pepper & Peach


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